Who said the path to success has to leave you dazed and drained?


In a world the demands constant hustle and achievement, especially from successful analytical professionals, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The very things that put us on a path to high achievement can quickly turn on sustainable. The symptoms are all around us – burning out, checking out, feeling trapped in our success and our identities.
Sustainability is possible. You can create a fulfilling career and, more importantly, life, by engaging your brain to unleash your authentic self and cultivate environments that nurture your continued growth and well-being.
The Sustainable Brain is the guide for redefining success and reclaiming sustainability. The companion workbook allows you to truly think through and identify what sustainability means in your life and how to get there.
How many times have you read a book, made mental notes of key insights, and still failed to implement any of the ideas once you closed the book? It is human nature. We learn best by taking action and by writing down our thoughts in our own words.
The companion workbook for The Sustainable Brain offers a concrete way to reflect on the questions and exercises included in the book. It builds on these with additional exercises, activities, and reflection questions to allow you to bring the insights from the sustainable brain into focus for your specific situation today.

I truly enjoyed my 25-year career as an actuary. My analytical mind thrived in the environment of big data, continuously changing regulations, and high pressure. But that doesn’t mean it was always sustainable. Throughout my own experience, I’ve discovered some key elements that would have helped me in the past, still help me today, and that my clients use to create sustainability in their own lives.
The ultimate goal for our careers is not to collect achievement after achievement using only our brains. I believe it should be to create a sustainable career and life that we will be proud and happy to look back on because we engaged both our brains and our hearts along the way.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your sustainable path.